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Storage & Distribution Systems

Metro Benstat Blue Static Dissipative Divider Boxes

Showing all 12 results

Product Number Dimensions (D x W x H) Weight (lbs) Finish Shelves Price Quantity
TB95050BAS 7x27x5 3 Benstat 55.04
TB91035BAS 9x11x4 1 Benstat 26.28
TB91060BAS 9x11x6 2 Benstat 37.8
TB92035BAS 11x17x4 2 Benstat 41.06
TB92060BAS 11x17x6 3 Benstat 51.76
TB92080BAS 11x17x8 4 Benstat 63.26
TB92050BAS 17x17x5 3 Benstat 68.19
TB93030BAS 18x23x3 3 Benstat 84.61
TB93050BAS 18x23x5 4 Benstat 97.76
TB93060BAS 18x23x6 4 Benstat 101.87
TB93080BAS 18x23x8 6 Benstat 124.04
TB93120BAS 18x23x12 7 Benstat 149.51

Benstat Blue – Static Dissipative. The Metro tote box line offers safe and efficient storage of items in bulk or in compartmentalized trays. Finally, Totes come in natural grey, Bentron (Black) or Benstat (Blue) for electronics protection.

Metro Benstat Blue Static Dissipative Divider Boxes

Benstat Blue - Static Dissipative. The Metro tote box line offers safe and efficient storage of items in bulk or in compartmentalized trays. Finally, Totes come in natural grey, Bentron (Black) or Benstat (Blue) for electronics protection.