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Storage & Distribution Systems

Metro MetroMax Q Mobile Security Units

Showing all 99 results

Product Number Dimensions (D x W x H) Weight (lbs) Finish Shelves Price Quantity
1254CHC 12x54 12 Chrome 162.1
1848HDRC 18x48 35 Chrome 597.49
1848HDRC 18x48 35 Chrome 597.49
9986HZ 1 37.85
1836HFG 18x36 21 Galvanized/Flat 248.17
54UHPC x55 6 Chrome 99.83
5HHPB 4 Brake 107.27
1836HDFG 18x36x74 116 Galvanized/Flat 1291.49
MQSEC53DE 24x36x69 166 2319.46
1260CHC 12x60 13 Chrome 162.1
1860HDRC 18x60 43 Chrome 713.05
1860HDRC 18x60 43 Chrome 713.05
9985H 1 31.6
1842HFG 18x42 23 Galvanized/Flat 281.95
54HPC x56 6 Chrome 99.83
5HHP 4 Swivel 98.36
1842HDFG 18x42x74 124 Galvanized/Flat 1413.54
MQSEC53VE 24x36x69 166 2482.62
1254CHS 12x54 12 Stainless Steel 381.57
2448HDRC 24x48 38 Chrome 641.74
2448HDRC 24x48 38 Chrome 641.74
9994HZ 1 16.25
1848HFG 18x48 26 Galvanized/Flat 286.69
63UHPC x63 7 Chrome 106.71
1848HDFG 18x48x74 136 Galvanized/Flat 1413.54
MQSEC55DE 24x48x69 176 2811.2
1260CHS 12x60 13 Stainless Steel 381.57
2460HDRC 24x60 47 Chrome 754.84
2460HDRC 24x60 47 Chrome 754.84
1854HFG 18x54 28 Galvanized/Flat 325.88
63HPC x64 7 Chrome 106.71
1854HDFG 18x54x74 144 Galvanized/Flat 1572.48
MQSEC55VE 24x48x69 176 2974.41
9992H 1 22.72
9993HS 1 43.09
1848HDRK3 18x48 35 Metroseal w/microban 712.23
1848HDRK3 18x48 35 Metroseal w/microban 712.23
1860HFG 18x60 31 Galvanized/Flat 325.88
74UHPC x75 8 Chrome 111.87
1860HDFG 18x60x74 156 Galvanized/Flat 1572.48
MQSEC56DE 24x60x69 179 3023.57
1860HDRK3 18x60 43 Metroseal w/microban 849.11
1860HDRK3 18x60 43 Metroseal w/microban 849.11
74HPC x76 8 Chrome 111.87
9984HZ 1 12.95
2436HDFG 24x36x74 132 Galvanized/Flat 1405.02
MQSEC56VE 24x60x69 179 3186.74
2448HDRK3 24x48 38 Metroseal w/microban 763.87
2448HDRK3 24x48 38 Metroseal w/microban 763.87
54UHPS x54 6 Stainless Steel 206.51
2442HDFG 24x42x74 148 Galvanized/Flat 1572.48
2460HDRK3 24x60 47 Metroseal w/microban 900.74
2460HDRK3 24x60 47 Metroseal w/microban 900.74
54HPS x56 6 Stainless Steel 206.51
2448HDFG 24x48x74 160 Galvanized/Flat 1572.48
1848HDRS 18x48 35 Stainless Steel 1340.04
1848HDRS 18x48 35 Stainless Steel 1340.04
63UHPS x63 7 Stainless Steel 223.76
2454HDFG 24x54x74 172 Galvanized/Flat 1791.04
1860HDRS 18x60 43 Stainless Steel 1572.8
1860HDRS 18x60 43 Stainless Steel 1572.8
63HPS x64 7 Stainless Steel 223.76
2460HDFG 24x60x74 184 Galvanized/Flat 1791.04
2448HDRS 24x48 38 Stainless Steel 1455.59
2448HDRS 24x48 38 Stainless Steel 1455.59
1836HFS 18x36 21 Stainless Steel/Flat 560.55
74UHPS x75 8 Stainless Steel 242.69
1836HDSS 18x36x74 116 Stainless Steel 2875.32
2460HDRS 24x60 47 Stainless Steel 1725.25
2460HDRS 24x60 47 Stainless Steel 1725.25
1842HFS 18x42 23 Stainless Steel/Flat 683.79
74HPS x76 8 Stainless Steel 242.69
1842HDSS 18x42x74 124 Stainless Steel 3318.13
1848HFS 18x48 26 Stainless Steel/Flat 689.98
1848HDSS 18x48x74 136 Stainless Steel 3318.13
1854HFS 18x54 28 Stainless Steel/Flat 818.86
1854HDSS 18x54x74 144 Stainless Steel 3803.47
1860HFS 18x60 31 Stainless Steel/Flat 818.86
1860HDSS 18x60x74 156 Stainless Steel 3803.47
2436HFS 24x36 25 Stainless Steel/Flat 715.86
2436HDSS 24x36x74 132 Stainless Steel 3434.5
2442HFS 24x42 29 Stainless Steel/Flat 856.01
2442HDSS 24x42x74 148 Stainless Steel 3936.91
2448HFS 24x48 32 Stainless Steel/Flat 856.01
2448HDSS 24x48x74 160 Stainless Steel 3936.91
2454HFS 24x54 35 Stainless Steel/Flat 1024.84
2454HDSS 24x54x74 172 Stainless Steel 4544.33
2460HFS 24x60 38 Stainless Steel/Flat 1024.84
2460HDSS 24x60x74 184 Stainless Steel 4544.33
1836HLS 18x36 21 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 594.31
1842HLS 18x42 23 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 704.07
1848HLS 18x48 26 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 710.19
1854HLS 18x54 28 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 845.87
1860HLS 18x60 31 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 845.87
2436HLS 24x36 25 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 742.9
2442HLS 24x42 29 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 872.88
2448HLS 24x48 32 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 872.88
2454HLS 24x54 35 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 1045.09
2460HLS 24x60 38 Stainless Steel/Louvered-Embossed 1045.09

Metro Mobile Security Units protect valuable equipment and sensitive items from pilferage. Heavy gauge open wire allows air circulation and visibility while protecting items.

Mobile security cage made of heavy gauge open wire construction keeps contents visible at all times making it easy to check inventory, double doors that open and secure to the side of the unit, intermediate shelves are ordered separately below for changing needs and not included. “E” models have 2 swivel and 2 brake polyurethane casters while “D” models have 4 – swivel polyurethane casters. “V” models have all polymer housing casters for wet areas and those exposed to chemicals. All units have 1200# capacity.

Metro MetroMax Q Mobile Security Units

Metro Mobile Security Units protect valuable equipment and sensitive items from pilferage. Heavy gauge open wire allows air circulation and visibility while protecting items.

Mobile security cage made of heavy gauge open wire construction keeps contents visible at all times making it easy to check inventory, double doors that open and secure to the side of the unit, intermediate shelves are ordered separately below for changing needs and not included. "E" models have 2 swivel and 2 brake polyurethane casters while "D" models have 4 - swivel polyurethane casters. "V" models have all polymer housing casters for wet areas and those exposed to chemicals. All units have 1200# capacity.