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Storage & Distribution Systems

Metro Super Adjustable Casters

Showing all 24 results

Product Number Dimensions (D x W x H) Weight (lbs) Finish Shelves Price Quantity
5MDA x5 2.5 High Modulus 44.7
5MDBA x5 3 High Modulus Brake 53.65
5MDRA x5 1.25 High Modulus Rigid 53.65
5PC x5 2 Polymer 107.27
5PCM x5 2 Polymer Antimicrobial 119.22
5PCB x5 2 Polymer Brake 116.97
5PCBM x5 2 Polymer Brake Antimicrobial 128.16
5MP x5 2.5 Polyurethane 70.04
6MP 2.25xx6 0 Polyurethane 93.14
5MPB x5 2.5 Polyurethane Brake 78.98
6MPB x6 2.5 Polyurethane Brake 110.26
5MPR x5 2 Polyurethane Rigid 78.98
6MPR x6 2.5 Polyurethane Rigid 110.26
4LD x4 1.5 Resilient 33.53
5LD x5 2 Resilient 38.76
5M x5 2.5 Resilient 44.7
5MB x5 3 Resilient Brake 53.65
5MR x5 3.5 Resilient Rigid 53.65
5MDGSA x5 2.5 Stainless Steel Modulus 203.41
5MDBGSA x5 3 Stainless Steel Modulus Brake 213.85
5MDRGSA x5 3 Stainless Steel Modulus Rigid 213.85
5MPGSA x5 2.5 Stainless Steel Polyurethane 215.33
5MPBGSA x5 2.5 Stainless Steel Polyurethane Brake 224.27
5MPRGSA x5 2.5 Stainless Steel Polyurethane Rigid 224.27

Metro Casters can be used to create transport carts or to enable stationary units to be moved more easily for routine cleaning.

Metro Super Adjustable Casters

Metro Casters can be used to create transport carts or to enable stationary units to be moved more easily for routine cleaning.