When you’re pressed for space, using wall shelving is a great solution.
When you’re pressed for space, using wall shelving is a great solution. Whether you need to increase your storage space in your home, or you need to think of an ingenious way to store everything when you can’t think of any solutions, here is what you can do with wall shelving.
Around the House
Even though you might have cleaned out your garage this past spring, that doesn’t stop it from filling up again. Clear out the clutter you don’t need, and then install some wall shelving to help keep things organized. That way, you can keep the floor clear for when you need to bring the car inside. One shelf can be dedicated to automotive supplies such as engine maintenance tools, spare bottles of windshield wiper fluid, and containers of antifreeze. After all, with rough weather on the horizon, you’ll want to be sure you can find what you need to keep your car running. You can also set up another wall shelf to hold gloves, hats, and gardening tools, so you can find them whenever you decide to do some landscaping work this fall.
In the Kitchen
Is your kitchen overflowing with tools and gadgets? Put them away into the cabinets and drawers in your kitchen. Then, you can use wall shelves to hold empty oil bottles, teapots, and other items you would like to keep out but don’t always need to use. If your lower cabinets are running low on space, you can hang up the pans, strainers, tongs, and ladles to keep them in easy reach for when you prepare your next delicious meal.
Increasing Storage
Even in the largest houses, increasing storage is a must. You can also install wall shelving units in bedrooms, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. That way, you can decrease clutter and keep your house tidy. You can impress your guests and ensure some peace of mind for yourself that your house is comfortable enough to relax in.
As a Wine Rack
It’s possible to set up a wine rack in your kitchen, but you don’t always have to do that. It’s relatively simple to install a wine rack into a cabinet, but for other rooms where you’d like to keep your next few bottles of wine, you can use wire wall shelves.
Make Space Work for You with Metro Shelving!
If you’re a homeowner or run a business, you can depend on Metro Shelving. If you need to outfit a warehouse, give us a call at (800) 400-7500. Call us even if you aren’t looking to outfit a warehouse because if your garage, laundry room, or kitchen pantry are in need of help, we can help you too. Are you on social media? Follow us on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.